Top 5 Books for Weight Loss Motivation

Staying motivated is one of the biggest hurdles to overcome in any weight loss journey or even while maintaining weight. These top 5 books for weight loss motivation should help!

It’s tough to lose weight when you have no support. Accountability partners can help tremendously, but they’re often hard to come by.

Sometimes, we have to turn elsewhere for our motivation.

Books on dieting and weight loss can help give you ideas for different ways of eating, reinforce your goals, and even cheer you on.

Some of them even come with access to private communities set up by the author for additional accountability and encouragement.

Reading these types of books can help you to remember that other people have dealt with the same challenges as you — and overcome them.

No diet plan is perfect for everyone. That’s why turning to a book for weight-loss motivation might be more effective than using one to plan your next diet.

However, the beauty of books is that they’re relatively affordable. Therefore, you can try out different methods and motivation styles. These are some of our favorites.

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1. Half-Assed: A Weight-Loss Memoir – Jennette Fulda

half-assed weight loss motivation book

Many weight-loss books are filled with scientific and psychological facts about health and nutrition. Jennette Fulda’s book takes a more personal approach.

This is a work of nonfiction that reads like fiction. It’s even a satisfying beach read.

When Fulda was 23, she had gallbladder surgery. She weighed 372 pounds at the time. She knew that her weight was gravely affecting her health, but it took her another year to take action.

Her journey involves making better eating choices and making a commitment to exercise.

It’s easy to relate to her story. When she started, she was unable to do more than walk. She eventually graduated to jogging, Pilates, and weight training.

Her writing is hilarious, and her story is honest. Fulda relays her setbacks and triumphs with authentic wit.

If you’re looking for a diet book on specific foods, this may not be the one for you. The author doesn’t describe how or what she ate to lose weight. In fact, she is somewhat secretive about the specific diet she was on.

However, if you’re looking for inspiration and relatability, you will find it in this book. The author is spot on when describing her weight-loss struggles.

Click here to read more about it on Amazon.

2. 8 Minutes in the Morning – Jorge Cruise

8 minutes books for weight loss motivation

This book involves more than a specific plan than some of the others that we talk about in this article. However, the habits that you form while following the plan can be customized for any workout and any lifestyle.

The basic message behind this book is that you can lose weight by doing an 8-minute workout routine every morning. The moves are easy, so you don’t have to spend a lot of time learning new techniques.

The book incorporates several methods for developing healthy habits. You’ll get daily inspiration every morning. You’ll set a small goal to work out for 8 minutes every day.

You’ll learn how to eat foods that fuel you without depriving you. You’ll also keep a health journal.

When you buy the book, you get access to Cruise’s online community. This provides the accountability and support that comes with having a workout buddy.

This can be an ideal book for people who need a specific plan to jump-start their health. You can adapt the plan as you transition to a healthier lifestyle.

Click here to read more about it on Amazon.

3. 20 Pounds Younger: The Life-Transforming Plan for a Fitter, Sexier You! – Michele Promaulayko

20 pounds younger weight loss motivation book

The premise behind this book is that 20 pounds is what you need to make meaningful improvements to your health. A 20-pound weight loss will also help you slow down the aging process.

As you age, many aspects of your former vitality seem to change. You have more trouble losing weight. You may even find yourself gradually gaining weight over time.

You have less energy. You feel fatigued more often. You can’t seem to ditch the stress, and your appearance is starting to give away your age.

Michele Promaulayko is the editor-in-chief of Yahoo! Health. Her book is focused on changing your lifestyle so that you look and feel better.

It’s geared toward women and the challenges that they face when trying to lose weight.

Promaulayko discusses issues that crush women’s confidence as they age. She talks about how to combat belly fat and cravings. She discusses emotional eating and how to eat more mindfully.

She also provides tips for improving your skin as you age. She tells you how to sleep better and recharge your energy.

If you’re looking for an uplifting read that will encourage you to do something healthy for yourself, this informative book may be perfect for you.

Click here to read more about it on Amazon.

4. Never Binge Again: Reprogram Yourself To Think Like A Permanently Thin Person – Glenn Livingston, Ph.D.

never binge again book for weight loss motivation

This book is marketed to people who have dieted over and over again with limited success. Perhaps they’ve found a diet to be effective, but they’ve gained back all of the weight.

However, it also addresses the behavior and mindset behind binge eating. This book is for people who may:

  • Eat when they’re not hungry
  • Continue eating after they’re full
  • Feel guilty or ashamed about their eating habits
  • Can’t stop thinking about food or their diet
  • Eat differently in private than they do in public
  • Follow drastic measures to counteract binge behaviors

It focuses on shifting your mindset so that you can find success with any health plan. It teaches you how to bounce back from mistakes without guilt, and it also guides you through breaking out of your obsession with food.

Written by a psychologist who has emerged from his own “food prison,” this book is different than many diet books. It is based on the psychology of addiction and Livingston’s research into binging and overeating.

Click here to read more about it on Amazon.

5. Awaken The Giant Within: How To Take Control Of Your Mental, Emotional, Physical and Financial Destiny! – Tony Robbins

awake the giant weight loss motivation book

Although this is not a diet book, the tenets apply to any of your life goals, including losing weight. In this book, Tony Robbins encourages you to be honest about who you are. When you can accept your flaws, you can begin to change them.

This book is all about taking action. When you can envision your dreams and effectively solve your problems, you become clearer on your path.

Tony provides real techniques that you can use to ditch bad habits and make better life choices.

If you’ve reached a diet plateau or are in an emotional rut, two experiences that often go hand in hand, this book can place you in control of your life and your weight loss.

Click here to read more about it on Amazon.

Lastly, if you need a program to help you establish healthier habits and give you extra motivation, we’ve got you covered. This is EXACTLY what our entire 21-Day Fat Loss Challenge is centered around.

There is a reason that the length of the Challenge is 21 days.  It’s because it generally takes most people 21 days to establish a habit.

The Challenge is designed to break your unhealthy habits with foods, especially sugar, refined carbohydrates, and other processed foods, and establish new, healthy habits in their place.

It also comes with access to a private support group with over 4,000 women at various stages of their weight loss journey, sharing motivation, support, tips, and all kinds of Challenge-approved recipes!

The best part is, the Challenge was designed in such a way that it can be repeated in multiple rounds if you have more weight to lose. The majority of our clients are over 200 lbs, and they are having fantastic success with the program.

Avocadu 21-Day Fat Loss Challenge

If you are READY to make a change in your life and build healthy habits for weight loss that will last a lifetime, check out our 21-Day Fat Loss Challenge to get started TODAY!

If you enjoyed this article on weight loss motivation books or have any questions for us, please leave them in the comment section below!

One Comment

  1. 8 minutes in the morning – I Bought this book to replace the one I already owned because I let a friend borrow and she never returned it. Great book…easy eating plan and super easy exercise plan. It works! Check it out.

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