heart hands over stomach healthy gut featured

How I Healed My Leaky Gut, IBS, and Digestive Problems in 2 Months

This post about how I healed my leaky gut, IBS, and digestive problems in just 2 months, and my hopes are that it can help YOU heal yours as well! If you’ve struggled with anything like the myriad of digestive issues I have, you can understand the immense amount of frustration associated with it. You are…

illustrated digestive system on woman's abdomen featured

5 Steps to Fix Leaky Gut and Heal Autoimmune Problems

Leaky gut is probably a term that you have heard increasingly often lately, and it’s no wonder with modern-day society’s diet of excessive carbohydrates and sugar. We’re going to tell you what it is and give you 5 steps to fix leaky gut and heal autoimmune problems! It’s a rash, it’s a pain, it’s …. an…

spirulina powder and pills featured

7 Superfood Benefits of Spirulina + 5 Tasty Recipes

The superfood benefits of spirulina, a green algae, include weight loss, improved brain function, anti-inflammatory properties, and so much more!  We’ll talk about the many health benefits and follow them up with 5 delicious spirulina recipes! Spirulina’s history as a superfood dates back to at least the 9th century. It began to be produced commercially…

variety of fish and seafood featured

13 Fish You Should Never Eat + 3 Better Seafood Options

Fish is good for you, right?  Not so fast… Let’s talk about 13 fish you should never eat (some will surprise you), and follow it up with 3 better seafood options! Some fish are full of omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for brain development and health. Unfortunately, our oceans aren’t very healthy these days….

woman is sick often from her unhealthy gut featured

10 Warning Signs You Have an Unhealthy Gut + What to Do About It

Your gut is the entire digestive tract that runs from your esophagus to your rectum. It does more than just take in food and excrete food, however. Experts refer to the gut as the second brain. The microbes and nerves in the gut can launch communication with the brain, affecting everything from hunger to mood….

beef bones and bone broth featured

Bone Broth Benefits: 11 Proven Reasons You Should Consume It

You’ve likely heard a thing or two about bone broth lately, or at least heard OF it.  Today we’re going to talk about bone broth benefits because there are a LOT of them! This stuff is too delicious, inexpensive, healthy, and EASY to make to not add it to your diet ASAP! We have recently…