Lose Weight Quick! How to Make the 21-Day Fat Loss Challenge Work For You

Lose Weight Quick! How to Make the 21-Day Fat Loss Challenge Work For You

First things first! Congratulations on committing to the Avocadu 21-day fat loss challenge! Your physical and mental health will thank you so much for your determination on creating healthier habits. You are here because you’re looking to lose weight quick, and you’ve come to the right place. This program aims to help women achieve weight…

Why Weight Loss May Stall After the Second Week of Dieting – The Truth

Why Weight Loss May Stall After the Second Week of Dieting – The Truth

When you start a new diet, that first big drop in weight is pretty exciting! You might even lose as much as ten pounds or so in your first week to ten days. (Party dance!) You’re celebrating, weighing yourself at least once a day, telling everyone you know about this great diet you found…and then…

Blast Belly Fat with An Intermittent Fasting Morning Workout
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Blast Belly Fat with An Intermittent Fasting Morning Workout

When people come to us, their primary goal is to lose weight quickly. In this post, we’ll explore an intermittent fasting morning workout that blasts belly fat to help you meet your weight loss goals that much faster.  But before we dive in, you might be asking yourself – what is intermittent fasting? Simply put,…

How Many Calories for Weight Loss? (The Most Accurate TDEE Calculator)

How Many Calories for Weight Loss? (The Most Accurate TDEE Calculator)

Having the most accurate TDEE calculator in your bag of weight loss tricks could be the key to losing those last few stubborn pounds. But what is a TDEE calculator and how can it actually help you kick the extra weight?  A TDEE calculator measures your Total Daily Energy Expenditure. What this means is it…