Why Would Anyone Pay for a Fat Loss Challenge?

If you’ve stumbled onto this page, you’ve likely been searching for a free online weight loss challenge.

The truth is, there are countless weight loss challenges available for free online. You might be wondering, why would anyone ever shell out money for one when there are so many free options?

There are a few reasons people might choose to pay for a weight loss challenge instead of using free resources.

Why Would Anyone Pay for a Fat Loss Challenge

There is no doubt that fat loss challenges can be an effective way to lose weight, and in this post we’ll explore why paying for one might be a good idea for you.

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1. It Removes Guesswork

Why pay for online weight loss challenge - Remove Guesswork

One reason people might pay for a weight loss challenge, even though they could do one on their own for free, is that it removes guesswork.

When people sign up for a weight loss challenge, they are given a specific plan to follow that has been tailored to their needs. This plan takes the guesswork out of weight loss and makes it easier for people to lose weight successfully.

There are often so many questions that come up and when you’re looking at a free online weight loss challenge, you might be left to fend for yourself. After all, who do you contact when the instructions aren’t clear?

With a paid challenge, weight loss for a woman becomes easier simply because she has someone to reach out to when there are questions.

For example, the Avocadu fat loss challenge comes with access to our private Facebook group and our program administrators are in there regularly answering the most commonly asked questions.

No guesswork required! If you don’t understand the materials for the challenge, you simply pop in the question – one that others may also have – and it can be answered for the benefit of everyone.

Related: Check out five reasons women choose Avocadu’s 21-day fat loss challenge.

2. It’s Convenient

Why pay for online weight loss challenge DIET PLAN

When it comes to weight loss challenges, people often find that they are more successful when they have everything they need in one place.

This is one of the reasons many people are willing to pay for a weight loss challenge, even though they could get the same thing for free.

By paying for a weight loss challenge, participants can be sure that they have access to all of the tools and resources they need to be successful. This can include meal plans, recipes, workout suggestions, and more.

Those free online weight loss challenge programs may be promising quick ways to lose weight, but if you’re spending a bunch of time hunting down all the materials you might get frustrated and quit.

It’s much more convenient to have everything you need given to you in an easy to access platform.

Want to sign up for a paid challenge that works? Check out Avocadu’s 21-Day Fat Loss Challenge now!

3. You Have Skin in the Game

Why Would Anyone Pay for a Fat Loss Challenge_ say no to donuts

Weight loss for a woman can feel exhausting and even painful at times. That’s why they often turn to challenges as a way to hold themselves accountable.

When there is money on the line, people are more likely to stick to their goals. Think about it – if you get a free book on Amazon, but you paid for one on the same day – which one are you more likely to read?

Because our brains are wired to use what we pay for, you’ll most likely read the paid one first. And, because you didn’t pay for the other one, you’ll be more willing to push it to the side since it didn’t cost you anything.

“Eh, this was free. It’s no big deal to let it go!”

If instead you are participating in a weight loss challenge and you have paid for it, you are more likely to show up and be diligent about following the rules of the challenge.

You don’t want to feel like you wasted your money and be left feeling disappointed. Ultimately, paying for something that you can get for free can provide accountability and help you achieve your weight loss goals.

4. Paid Programs Deliver More Quality

You can tell when a course creator has put time and energy into a paid product. Bottom line, paid programs deliver more quality.

Many of the free online weight loss challenge programs we’ve seen look haphazard at best, and many lack the structure and details required to actually lose weight quick.

This can lead to people not being able to meet their goals. In contrast, paid weight loss programs often provide a lot of structure and support.

The quality of the challenge can be the difference between people who lose weight and keep it off, and those who fail and head back to the drawing board.

A Free Online Weight Loss Challenge Won’t Give You What You Want

To recap – there are several reasons why you should consider paying for a weight loss challenge.

Paid challenges remove the guesswork and makes it more convenient to follow a specific plan. You are more likely to stick with the plan if you’re invested, and the program will most likely be higher quality than free ones.

Simply put, paid challenges often produce better results than trying to lose weight with a free plan on your own.

And, the best paid challenge online is Avocadu’s 21-Day fat loss challenge. It provides the tools and accountability needed to help you actually lose weight.

From an approved foods list to a private Facebook group, you’ll be armed with everything you need to see results.

The only thing we can’t do for you is the challenge itself. You’ll have to do the work, but we’ll give you the tools to make it possible.

Still, we understand it can be a little scary to invest in any program, and that’s why we believe in trying before you buy. If you’re not quite ready to pay for the program, you can get a free sample of it here.

Then, once you’ve seen it for yourself, we invite you to come back and sign up for the full program. It’s a small investment of less than $50 and worth every penny. Read our testimonials and see why thousands of women choose Avocadu’s fat loss challenge!
