The Fastest Way to Lose Weight in 3 Weeks

You don’t have to starve yourself to lose weight quickly. There are healthy ways to shed plenty of pounds, so let’s talk about the fastest way to lose weight in 3 weeks.

Major events like weddings, proms or graduation, can make you stress out about losing weight. Let’s just go ahead and add bikini season to ‘major events’ as well.

Maintaining variety in your diet might be one of the best ways to help you keep the weight off once you lose it.

Is losing weight quickly good for you?

To answer this question, I’ll ask the reverse:

Is keeping extra weight on your body healthy? Ever?

When it comes off fast, you are more likely to stay motivated to keep the weight loss going.

It’s discouraging when you’re busting your butt to lose weight, and you only see a couple of pounds come off every few weeks.

How likely are you to keep up the hard work if you don’t see results?

On the other hand, it’s highly MOTIVATING to see the scale a pound or two each DAY, right!?

This is why our 21-Day Fat Loss Challenge (basically, a 3-week diet plan) is SO successful! The first week is a serious detox that your body needs so badly, it can’t help but shed a pound or two a day for the first 7 days!

Jump-starting your weight loss can help you get and stay inspired. These tips are the fastest way to lose weight in 3 weeks without resorting to weird fads or strange supplements.

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1. Avoid Alcohol.

I know… It’s tough to hear. I love my wine just as much as the next person (or a lot more).

avoid alcohol for the fastest way to lose weight in 3 weeks

Sure, your glass of wine has some antioxidants. Beer has some health benefits, according to WebMD.

But the bottom line is this: Any trace nutrients or benefits you may get from alcoholic beverages can ALWAYS be found through higher-quality sources.

I promise you that.

Unfortunately, no matter what type of alcohol you drink, it’s filled with empty calories. There are about 90 to 200 calories in the average glass of wine or beer. A few of those a night can add more calories than a doughnut to your daily calorie count.

If you have been drinking moderately (or heavily—we won’t judge), limiting alcohol can be a quick way to cut those calories without feeling hungry.

According to the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, alcohol consumption can damage the liver and the pancreas (1).

These organs are crucial for optimal digestion of food, and they help the body convert nutrients into energy.

Keeping the liver and the pancreas healthy can help make sure that the food that you eat is going where it’s supposed to. It can also allow your body to regulate blood sugar adequately. Out-of-control blood sugar can lead to cravings and weight gain.

Also, your body burns close to 75% less fat by the time you’ve downed half of your second alcoholic beverage, according to this study (2).

It also uses fewer carbs for energy because it wants to use the toxic by-products created as a result of alcohol consumption instead. You end up being more likely to store those extra carbs as fat.

2. Eat Cleaner than You’ve Ever Eaten Before.

If you’re sensitive to a particular food ingredient, you might be unaware that it’s causing inflammation.

Although sugar, simple carbohydrates, dairy and highly processed foods are likely culprits, you could also be sensitive to something random, like salicylates or nightshades.

If you tend to eat a particular food regularly, try avoiding it for a few weeks just to see if something shifts. You may notice that you instantly lose the bloat or stop getting gassy in the afternoons.

Focusing on eating only fresh foods that you prepare yourself can also help you lose weight quickly.

eating fresh foods is the fastest way to lose weight in 3 weeks

Processed foods contain a lot of sodium and sugars, and they often have chemicals that mess with your body’s ability to function optimally.

Detoxifying your body of these chemicals will make it react better to the clean nutrients that you take in.

3. Avoid Sugar.

Honey, molasses and maple syrup are still sugars. Even though they’re not white and refined, they add needless calories to your daily intake.

Research shows that sugar is detrimental to your metabolism (1).

When you’re consuming sugar, your body uses more carbohydrates for fuel instead of turning to your fat stores.

Experts say that sugar also leads to increased fat in your belly and your liver (2).

This can lead to insulin resistance, which means that your body isn’t properly metabolizing the sugars in your blood.

Dr. Mark Hyman says that cutting out sugar is a key component of automatic weight loss. He describes what happens to your body when you consume a soda versus a bunch of broccoli with the same number of calories.

Your body still has to use up energy to burn both off; however, the soda will make insulin levels spike. It will interfere with your neurotransmitters, leading you to be even hungrier, and will also encourage your body to store fat.

avoid sugar to lose weight fast in 3 weeks

When you eat the same number of calories of broccoli, your blood sugar stays balanced. The fiber helps you feel full, and you increase your body’s ability to burn fat instead of slowing it down.

Also, when you have more fat surrounding your internal organs—the kind that develops from eating too much sugar—those fat cells use up fuel more quickly.

Your body thinks you’re starving yourself and slows down your metabolism in response.

Plus, it tells you to eat more so that you get more fuel.

You can begin to shut down this vicious cycle by eliminating the sugar from your diet. 

4. Shake It Up.

When you think you’ve already been eating healthfully, it can be frustrating to see the number on the scale remain immobile.

Sometimes, your body needs a hard reset.

Maybe you stay away from the cheese and butter and make sure that you get plenty of protein; however, many dieters don’t realize that they’re not getting enough nutritional balance from veggies.

A brief fast (up to 24 hours) followed by a heavy veggie day can help your body rebalance its ability to use fuel efficiently.

It can also begin to heal an overworked digestive system.

eat vegetables to lose weight fast in 3 weeks

For the next few weeks, concentrating on consuming balanced portions of protein and vegetables throughout the day will help you lose weight quickly. If you’re hungry, eat more veggies!

The more variety of vegetables you consume, the less likely you are to feel deprived and binge on junk food.

5. Have Fun with Exercise.

Doing too much intense cardio can lead to cravings, and giving in to those cravings can derail your attempt to lose weight quickly.

Instead of worrying about burning calories, focus on keeping your body moving in a fun way throughout the day.

Go for walks. Take a hike. Do some yoga if it feels good. Dance to your favorite music. Challenge your kids to a hula hoop competition.

You’ll rev up your metabolism by moving more throughout the day, and you’ll also keep your stress levels lower, which can help you lose weight.

Lastly, if you need a program to help you establish healthier habits, we’ve got you covered. This is EXACTLY what our entire 21-Day Fat Loss Challenge is centered around. It’s a 3-week diet.

There is a reason that the length of the Challenge is 21 days.  It’s because it generally takes most people 21 days (3 weeks) to establish a habit.

The Challenge is designed to break your unhealthy habits with foods, especially sugar, refined carbohydrates, and other processed foods, and establish new, healthy habits in their place.

The best part is, the Challenge was designed in such a way that it can be repeated in multiple rounds if you have more weight to lose. The majority of our clients are over 200 lbs, and they are having fantastic success with the program.

We now have over 2,000 people in our private support group for the Challenge.

Avocadu 21-Day Fat Loss Challenge

If you are READY to make a change in your life and build healthy habits for weight loss that will last a lifetime, check out our 21-Day Fat Loss Challenge to get started TODAY!

If you enjoyed this article on the fastest way to lose weight in 3 weeks or have any questions for us, please leave a comment below!


  1. I just wanted to share how fantastic the 21 day challenge is. I did this last year in July and plan on starting it again this week. Other than feeling great you dont realize the physically change until you see yourself. I strongly suggest taking a picture of yourself before and after……I promise you’ll be amazed by the difference. If you havent done it, do it! Its EASY, EASY, EASY!!

    1. Thank you SO much for sharing your experience with the Challenge, Sandra! I’m so happy that you found success with it! 🙂

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