melted coconut oil and coconut halves featured
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7 Unusual Ways to Use Coconut Oil for Weight Loss

If you live in this century, you’ve probably heard about the benefits of coconut oil, but did you also know that you can use coconut oil for weight loss? According to Deals on Health, there are plenty of health benefits to consuming coconut oil. In areas where coconut is a dietary staple, people are generally…

glass of water and measuring tape featured

How Drinking More Water Can Help You Lose Weight

Are you trying to lose weight? If so, you may be focusing on eating healthy foods, watching your portions and exercising. But what are you drinking? If you’re not paying attention to your water intake, you’re missing out on a major factor that helps with weight loss. Drinking more water can help you: burn more…

ginger and ginger tea featured
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How to Use Ginger and Ginger Tea for Weight Loss

You’re probably more familiar with ginger as the spicy flavoring in ginger ale.  You might even know that it is an effective anti-nausea treatment. But did you know that it can be helpful for weight loss? From revving your metabolism to speeding up digestion, ginger might just do the trick.  If you want to get…

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How Probiotics and Prebiotics Help You Lose Weight Naturally

You’ve probably seen the commercials in which a slim, attractive woman enjoys a container of yogurt. But what is it that is in yogurt that is beneficial, and what does this have to do with losing weight? The answer: Probiotics These nutrients play an important role in your weight loss journey and are often missed…

woman with bottle of vitamins or supplements featured

11 Best Vitamins and Supplements for Weight Loss 

If you’ve been eating low-cal and low-fat, and working out regularly, but still haven’t seen the scale budge, your body may just be missing out on these vitamins and supplements for weight loss. We’re going to be completely honest with you. Vitamins and supplements alone will not cause weight to fall off of you all on…

coconut oil in a jar featured

10 Scientific Facts About Coconut Oil, +25 Everyday Uses

Coconut oil is one of a kind… Unfortunately, it was once considered bad for the heart because of its high concentrations of saturated fat. Boy were they wrong… Its unique composition of fatty acids helps with brain functioning, preventing certain diseases, losing fat, and more. Thankfully, the health properties are becoming more widely known, and even grocery stores…