woman is sick often from her unhealthy gut featured

10 Warning Signs You Have an Unhealthy Gut + What to Do About It

Your gut is the entire digestive tract that runs from your esophagus to your rectum. It does more than just take in food and excrete food, however. Experts refer to the gut as the second brain. The microbes and nerves in the gut can launch communication with the brain, affecting everything from hunger to mood….

beef bones and bone broth featured

Bone Broth Benefits: 11 Proven Reasons You Should Consume It

You’ve likely heard a thing or two about bone broth lately, or at least heard OF it.  Today we’re going to talk about bone broth benefits because there are a LOT of them! This stuff is too delicious, inexpensive, healthy, and EASY to make to not add it to your diet ASAP! We have recently…

blueberries, cacao, chocolate, green tea, salmon, etc. featured

15 Best Anti-Aging Foods for Healthier Skin and a Longer Life

Skin health and life expectancy begins and ends with your DIET.  These anti-aging foods are great for improving your skin and living a longer life. Aging happens from the inside out, so your skin is a dead giveaway. Skin often reflects what’s going on internally with your cells and DNA. That’s because it’s the largest organ…

woman with face fat featured

How to Lose Face Fat

Looking to lose face fat? Nobody likes to carry weight in their face, but unfortunately, many of us do. No matter what you think of your body, it’s easy to flatter your figure with the right clothing styles. If your face flaunts your extra pounds, however, you can’t exactly wear a ski mask for the…

4 Important Supplements for Women: Gut Health, Weight Loss, and More

4 Important Supplements for Women: Gut Health, Weight Loss, and More

It can be hard to determine which supplements you really need, and which ones you don’t.  Gender plays a big role in this decision as well, so we’ve outlined just a few of the best supplements for women. “Take this supplement, and definitely avoid that supplement.” Depending on which website you’re on, you’ll get a…

eight delicious whey protein smoothies featured
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10 Delicious Whey Protein Recipes

PROTEIN!!! These delicious whey protein recipes are a great healthy twist on some of your favorite comfort recipes! Protein shakes have come into popularity in recent years, and it’s no surprise. Getting enough protein in your diet is crucial for building muscle and keeping you satisfied after meals. According to the Harvard Health Blog, you…

cinnamon tea with cinnamon sticks and lemon slices featured

6 Simple and Healthy Drinks for Weight Loss

Today I’m going to cover some simple and healthy drinks for weight loss! When you think about the best drinks for weight loss, smoothies may come to mind. However, smoothies can be complicated to make. They can be great for your health, but they might not be the most convenient option when you’re looking for something…