11 Proven Benefits of Fasting (Weight Loss, Concentration, and More)

11 Proven Benefits of Fasting (Weight Loss, Concentration, and More)

Intermittent Fasting is becoming one of the hottest trends in the fitness industry today and for good reason. There are numerous health benefits of fasting and reasons why it may work for you. The only problem? There is quite a negative stigma associated with “not eating.” People are still stuck in the mindset that eating…

21 Weight Loss Tips Learned From Scientific Studies

21 Weight Loss Tips Learned From Scientific Studies

The weight loss industry is full of myths and misconceptions. That’s why we have compiled some of the best weight loss tips learned from scientific studies. We’ve seen too many empty promises made by people in weight loss. It’s pretty ridiculous. While we do make some bold claims of our own… “Lose 10-21 pounds in…

Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss – Beginner’s Guide

Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss – Beginner’s Guide

Using intermittent fasting for weight loss is a powerful and effective strategy. Let’s talk about how it works and why it’s so effective. When a lot of people hear the word “fasting,” alarm bells go off in their heads and they immediately think of starvation. Things like putting your body into starvation mode and impacts…

15 Fitness Motivational Quotes that Will Inspire You!

15 Fitness Motivational Quotes that Will Inspire You!

I have compiled some of the best fitness motivational quotes to help you power through those days when motivation is hard to find. These inspirational quotes will help you push through your workouts and are fun to have saved on your phone! Let’s get started.. 1. Attitude is everything. What’s the point of having a healthy body if you…

Yoga Poses for Flexibility, 16 Most Effective Asanas

Yoga Poses for Flexibility, 16 Most Effective Asanas

Looking to improve your flexibility using yoga? In this article, you’ll learn the 16 most effective yoga poses for flexibility! Flexibility has many health benefits, including healing aches and pains, helping with balance, and injury prevention.  Stretching the muscles can also help relieve tension and stress, which can cause all sorts of problems, including weight…