superfood powders on spoons featured

10 Superfood Powders That Can Boost Weight Loss

Superfoods shouldn’t be confused with the magical foods they’re sometimes marketed as. You know, the ones that people claim will somehow melt the fat right off your body. But, they are called superfoods for a reason. They’re incredibly healthy in many ways, and they can be a contributing factor to healthy weight loss. That’s why…

overweight woman with popcorn and tv remote featured

How to Make Losing Weight a Habit When You’re Busy and Unmotivated

You know those days when you just feel like crawling back under the covers? Either you have way too much on your plate and don’t want to get up and face the day, or you just want to binge watch anything on Netflix. Either option isn’t all that productive if you’re trying to lose weight. If…

pills and supplements for weight loss by scale and measuring tape

10 Popular Weight Loss Pills and Supplements Reviewed

This list of popular weight loss pills and supplements reviewed should help you decide which ones actually stay true to their promises of pounds shed, fat burned, increased energy, and so on! Losing weight can be challenging. You’re motivated at first, and then you hit that dreaded plateau. Why does the weight loss just STOP!? On top…

coffee protein shake with almonds and chocolate protein featured

Top 8 Iced Coffee Protein Shake Recipes for Weight Loss

These top 8 iced coffee protein shake recipes for weight loss are packed with all sorts of antioxidants and other nutrients that can help you burn fat and lose weight! Studies show that caffeine helps the body burn fat. Researchers have also found that caffeine can speed up your metabolism. (1, 2). If you’re burning calories…