7 Best Yoga Poses for Weight Loss
When using yoga poses for weight loss, it’s important to remember that less is more.
That instead of poorly doing all hundreds of yoga poses, you should focus on mastering the key poses for strength, flexibility, balance, and weight loss.
A lot of people are also skeptical about how effective yoga can be for weight loss.
The facts are that yoga not only burns a similar calorie rate to jogging but that it also lowers cortisol levels in the body.
Make no mistake – you can LOSE your excess weight with the right yoga poses and yoga practice.
In the following article, we have organized some of the most effective yoga poses for weight loss.
Try these today, and see how you feel…
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1. Boat Pose

This pose is one of the best for working the core. The difficulty lies mainly in keeping the legs AND the back straight – making a “V” shape. This requires a tremendous amount of core strength.
Beginners may need to try it first with the legs bent before progressing because it also requires some flexibility.
2. Crescent Lunge

Lunges are great because there are so many variations.
You can bend the back knee or keep it outstretched. The farther you sink down, you more you take the stretch into the hips, which makes this one of the best poses for stretching the hips and preparing for splits.
If you tilt the arms and hands back, you will take the stretch into your back.
3. Four-Limbed Staff Pose

This pose makes the list because it’s also called the “yogi pushup” (aka Chaturanga). Do 20 of these in a row from plank position, and you’ll feel the burn.
Need more?
Try holding the position for 10-30 seconds. Make sure to keep the back straight and in-line with the upper arms.
4. Warrior III

What the picture doesn’t tell you is that this pose requires a LOT of core strength and leg and hip flexibility.
It’s tougher to hold that back leg up than you would think.
Get someone to take a picture of you to check your form. It’s quite difficult to hold that straight line with the entire body while balancing on one leg. Try holding it for 30 seconds.
5. Reverse Plank

If you’re tired of the plank (which is still one of the best poses to build heat in the core), try this variation! This pose works the core and shoulders.
The shoulder strength is necessary for all inversions and most advanced poses. Keeping your butt lifted is what makes this pose much harder than it looks.
6. Triangle Pose

You’ll feel this one in the obliques, hamstrings, core, and chest! It’s one of the most important yoga poses for weight loss that works multiple muscle groups.
Alternate sides or between revolved triangle pose (rotate the body so that the other hand touches the same foot that is currently forward in triangle).
7. Wheel Pose

This pose makes the list because it’s a little more difficult to hold if you’re a beginner. The more difficult yoga poses for weight loss will be the ones that will challenge you, help you learn, improve, and burn more fat!
Make sure to do some warm-up poses for the back such as cobra, upward facing dog, and camel pose before you jump into wheel pose.
If you liked these poses for weight loss and are looking for some additional tips and an actual workout plan, our Yoga Fat Loss Bible for Beginners is a great place to start.
It comes with everything you need to get started, including a complete 6-week workout plan, a flexibility guide, and a beginner’s guide to meditation!
It’s a great solution around for those looking to lose weight, get more flexible, and relieve aches and pains with a calm yoga practice.
It will show you exactly how to melt away stubborn body fat with a regular yoga practice and has the top 50 fat-burning yoga poses every beginner should learn.
Click here to check out the Yoga Fat Loss Bible.
Always remember that the most difficult part of doing yoga getting yourself on the mat!
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Really enjoyed all the yoga poses, never knew that these poses are so good for fat burning.