18 Natural Weight Loss Tips Backed By Science

Are you looking for some natural weight loss tips actually backed by science?

The weight loss industry is full of misconceptions and myths.

Fat is bad.

Sugar is bad.

Carbohydrates are bad.

Too much meat is bad.

Eggs are bad.

No, wait, eggs are good.

Nope, they’re bad again.

Count calories.

Don’t count calories.


I know. It’s tough. It’s confusing.

That’s why, in this article, we’re going to give you some weight loss tips that are actually backed by scientific studies.

It’s not an end-all-be-all guide, but it should help you to make some basic decisions on what to add into your daily routine to help you lose some weight!

And if you need a full plan to help you do so, make sure to check out our 21-Day Fat Loss Challenge after reading this article!

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1. Drink a lot of water, especially at particular times in the day.

ice water for weight loss

Everyone knows they should be drinking more water, but there are also certain times that it is best to drink it.

Drinking a glass and a half of water (18oz) before a meal has been shown to help dieters lose 44% more weight (1).

It has also been shown that drinking a glass of water boosts metabolism by up to 30% (2).

2. Go to bed early.

Another underrated tip for losing weight is going to bed earlier and getting better quality sleep.

Lack of sleep and obesity are highly correlated events with an 89% increased risk in children and a 55% increased risk in adults.

The keys to getting a good night sleep are keeping your room cold (under 70 degrees), blacking out all lights to make the room pitch black, and not using electronics 1 hour prior to bedtime.

3. Eat more protein.

Simply adding protein into your diet and not changing anything else is one of the easiest ways to lose weight.

A high-protein diet boosts metabolism by 100 calories, and participants who ate more protein consumed 441 fewer calories in their day (3, 4, 5).

The best sources of protein for your health are salmon, lean organic chicken, whole eggs, and a good-tasting whey protein.

There are also plenty of protein options for non-meat eaters as well.

4. Drink black coffee.

suppress appetite with coffee

Coffee has many health benefits and is rightfully referred to as liquid gold.

Coffee is full of antioxidants, and scientists have identified over 1,000 different antioxidants in coffee beans! It has also been shown to boost metabolism by 3-11% and increase fat burning by 10-29% (6, 7).

Make sure you’re getting an organic coffee blend that is free of pesticides and dangerous carcinogens.

5. Cut sugar out.

The single most harmful ingredient in the modern diet is added sugar.

Sugar is strongly associated with type II diabetes, obesity, heart disease, and many other dangerous diseases caused by weight gain (8, 9).

Cutting out added sugar (fruits are fine) is one of the most important steps in healthy weight loss, and if you feel like you’re struggling to accomplish this, I recommend our Fat Loss Challenge that starts out with a detox.

6. Keep insulin down by avoiding refined carbs.

Refined carbohydrates like sugars and white grains cause a large spike in insulin and blood sugar.

This leads to increased cravings and an increase in food consumption. Plus, refined carbohydrates have been linked to obesity in multiple studies (10, 11).

The key is to consume fiber with carbohydrates in their natural state. Foods such as brown rice, whole potatoes, and fruits are good carbohydrates because their fiber prevents this blood sugar spike.

7. Eat foods with cayenne pepper.

Chili Peppers for natural weight loss

Cayenne peppers contain capsaicin that can help with weight loss.

This compound boosts the body’s metabolism and curbs appetite for better craving control (12).

The easiest way to get more into your diet is through adding hot sauces to your meals or sprinkling light amounts of ground cayenne into a meal. Be careful though; it can get really spicy really quickly.

8. Use a food diary.

Raising awareness of the foods you consume is a great way to enhance weight loss.

Multiple studies have shown that people keeping food and goal journals eat fewer calories (13, 14).

The easiest way to keep track is on your phone with myfitnesspal, or you can create an Instagram account to keep up a food log.

9. Lift weights.

When losing weight, the body will slow down its metabolism in response to dieting.

Weightlifting is a great way to combat this problem because it adds lean muscle and keeps the metabolism high even when dieting (15, 16).

Lifting weights 2 times a week is all that is needed to get the desired effect.

10. Drink matcha green tea.

matcha green tea

Matcha green tea is an excellent weight loss solution because of its effects on metabolism, appetite control, and fat burning.

It also contains catechins, which enhance the fat-burning effect of caffeine (17, 18).

Drink it in a cup of water or add it to a smoothie, which has the same effect.

11. Never drink your calories.

Sugary sodas, fruit juices, and energy drinks are a few of the worst weight loss offenders in the modern diet.

Fruit juices such as orange juice, apple juice, etc. have nearly identical amounts of sugar compared to soft drinks (19).

Get fruit from whole and natural sources and energy from a warm cup of black coffee instead.

12. Eat slowly, and savor your food.

It takes 20 minutes for the stomach to communicate with the brain and indicate that it’s full.

Studies have shown that eating food slowly increases weight loss hormone production and causes a decrease in consumed calories (20, 21).

Take at least 5 slow bites, savoring every last flavor and enjoying the food before swallowing.

13. Cook with coconut oil.

Coconut oil natural weight loss tips

Coconut oil is a medium-chain triglyceride fat that is different from other sources of fats.

I have an extensive post on the health benefits of coconut oil and 25 daily uses for it.

These fats boost metabolism by 120 calories per day, and also reduce appetite, causing people to eat up to 256 fewer calories per day (22, 23).

14. Eat more vegetables.

It’s not rocket science, but this is a fact backed by science.

Vegetables contain fiber, water, are nutrient dense, are low in calories, and people who eat more of them, not surprisingly, weigh less (24).

It’s hard to go wrong with vegetables, but focus your attention on eating dark, leafy vegetables at every meal as they are the most nutritious.

15. Use portion control containers.

A fun little trick on the brain to eat fewer calories is to use small containers for your meals.

You can actually use these containers to ensure you’re getting a balanced meal every time!

It’s strange, but it seems to work, causing individuals to eat considerably less food (25).

16. Eat eggs in the morning.

eggs weight loss tips

Whole eggs are already one of the world’s healthiest foods, but they have additional benefits when it comes to weight loss.

Eating eggs with whole grains for breakfast has been shown to cause people to eat fewer calories in their day (26, 27)

Don’t be afraid of eating whole eggs, because the latest research confirms that they do not raise bad cholesterol.

17. Grab a whey protein drink.

I stated the importance of getting enough protein in your diet once on this list already.  It really is THAT important.

Whey protein is one of the easiest and cheapest sources of protein in the world.

Replacing other calories with this drink can cause 8 pounds of weight loss and increase lean muscle mass (28).

Our friends at Healthy and Happy Hour recently wrote a good article on the 5-Best Tasting Protein Powders for Women.

18. Don’t “diet.” Eat healthy instead.

The problem with most “diets” is that they do not work in the long term.

Studies even show that dieting is a consistent predictor of future weight gain (29).

Spend more of your time focusing on eating healthy foods than being on any sort of restrictive diet.

If you liked this article on natural weight loss tips and are READY to lose some weight fast with a safe and healthy diet, our 21-Day Fat Loss Challenge is the best place to start!

People lose an average of 10-21 pounds in 21 days and absolutely love it!  But even better than the weight loss is the feedback we get from people about how the program has taught them how to change their eating habits and find a diet that truly works for them in the long-term.

Avocadu 21-Day Fat Loss Challenge

We have over 1,000 people in our private support group going through the Challenge together, and every day they are sharing experiences, results, motivation, and lots of recipes!

If you are ready to make some changes in your life, this is the ONLY place you should start.  We will teach you exactly how to make the necessary changes in your diet and your lifestyle and how to keep them “beyond the diet.”

Click here to start YOUR 21-Day Fat Loss Challenge today!

Leave a comment below if you enjoyed this article on natural weight loss tips backed by science or have any questions!


  1. I am trying to lose weight but last three month I did not see any improvement. There are some tips in your content what I did not try. I will try these. Thanks

    1. Janet, try putting coconut oil in it and a little cinnamon. If you still need something a little richer, try unsweetened coconut or cashew milk! Hope that helps!

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