Runners on a beach

9 Things No One Tells You About Running a Half Marathon

[This is a guest post from Thomas Watson from about 9 things you need to know before running your first half marathon. He shares some great training tips and advice for runners at any level.] So you’ve decided to run a half marathon, and you’re pumped. You’ve shared your race entry on your socials…

Chrystal before and after orange swimsuit body images

How Chrystal Regained Her Confidence and Lost Over 46 Pounds in Just 6 Months!

Struggling to lose weight can really mess with your self confidence.  You start a weight loss program totally pumped and ready to finally shed some extra pounds, boost your energy, and feel fit and healthy.  And maybe it is…for a little while.  You skip eating out. You know you can do this! You make some…

woman in red workout outfit exercising to reverse insulin resistance

How Exercise Can Reverse Insulin Resistance

Insulin resistance is an issue of epidemic proportions today, with 1 in 3 Americans being pre-diabetic, and even more being insulin resistant. The good news is that insulin resistance is reversible, even if you have already developed type II diabetes. However, most people get overwhelmed by all the lifestyle changes necessary to reverse insulin resistance—especially…

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Why Cholesterol and Fat are a VITAL Part of Your Weight Loss Journey

If you’re trying to take control of your health, you might be concerned about your cholesterol levels—and with good reason. According to the CDC, more than 12% of adults over age 20 had high total cholesterol levels, and more than 18% had low HDL (a.k.a. high-density lipoprotein, or good cholesterol). (1) For decades, our doctors…

man carving turkey

How to Survive the Holidays if You’re Insulin Resistant

If you’re following an insulin resistance diet, or simply trying not to sabotage your diet by overloading on sugar and carbs, the holiday season can be particularly tough! Besides being surrounded by large meals, sugary desserts, and snacks a’plenty, there are also the added stressors of increased family gatherings, shortened daylight hours, and obligatory gift-giving….


The Healthiest Cooking Oils for Weight Loss and How to Use Them

If you’ve ever gone to the grocery store in search of a healthy cooking oil, the array of choices can be totally overwhelming. The last time I went to Whole Foods, I counted at least twenty different options! There are oils made from walnuts, sesame seeds, grape seeds, soy, peanuts, coconuts…the list goes on. And…

Metabolic ID Body Types

How Your Metabolic ID Body Type Affects Weight Loss

We all have that one friend that can eat anything they want and never gain weight. They can chow down on pastries, have multiple margaritas, get seconds (or even thirds!) at the buffet, and then still look amazing in their bikini come swimsuit season. And then there are people like me (and maybe you, too),…

carrie weight loss

How Carrie Changed Her Life and Lost 98 Pounds in just 13 Months!

If you struggle with your weight, I’m willing to bet you have a sweet tooth. Most people do. I can’t help myself from feeling resentful when I hear that one friend tell me “I don’t really like sweets.” Eye roll… But if sweets aren’t really your thing, my next guess would be you really like…